
Patentability Search

Patentability Search

What is patentability search?

Patentability search / Prior-art art search / Novelty search allows an inventor to know whether his/her idea can be patented or not. Patentability search is directed towards finding all the relevant prior art that can be related to the invention.It involves finding out all the patent literature and non-patent literature art related to the invention.

Why you need to conduct patentability search?

Assessing patentability of your invention will improve your chance of getting a granted patent. In case a closest prior-art is found for your invention, this information can be used by your R&D team to improve or work around the existing prior-art. Thereby saving your time and cost of research and development process.

Invalidation or Validity Search

Invalidation / Validity Search

What is an invalidation search

An invalidation search or opposition search is conducted to find prior-art to invalidate the patent claims of a competitor. The objective of Patent Invalidation is to invalidate or revoke an already registered/ granted patent claims of a published patent application claims.

What is a prior art?

A prior-art is a patent or non-patent literature which are publicly available before the effective filing date or priority date of a patent / patent application.

Why conduct an invalidation search?

An invalidation search or opposition search is done to find out prior-art that can prove that a patent granted on an invention is not valid on the basis of lack of novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.

When you want to conduct an invalidation search?

What is a Patent troll?

Patent trolls are companies which uses patents in order to sue other companies for infringement. These companies use patents as legal weapons.

What is a post-grant opposition?

Post-grant opposition is a legal process by which any interested person can challenge the validity of a granted patent. Post-grant opposition should be filed within 12 months from the date of publication of the grant of patent in case of India. Wherein in USA and Europe a post-grant opposition should be filed within 9 months after publication of granted patent.

What is a pre-grant opposition?

Pre-grant opposition is a legal process by which any interested person can challenge the validity of a patent application before it is granted. In India pre-grant opposition can be filed by any person within six months from the date of publication of the patent application.


State of Search

What is state of art?

State of art is the level of development reached in a domain at any particular time usually as a result of modern methods

Why to conduct state of art search?

State of art search gives detailed information about already existing work in your segment. And give further insight for R&D to understand emerging technology and trends in their field of interest.

What are the benefits of conducting state of art search?

Freedom To Operate Search

Freedom To Operate Search

What is Freedom-to-Operate?

A Freedom to Operate / clearance analysis searchesfor patent literature for granted or pending patents, and obtaining a legal opinion as to whether a product, process or service may be considered to infringe any patent(s) owned by third-party.

Why to conduct Freedom-to-Operate search?

Freedom to Operate (FTO) search is conducted to assess whether it is commercially safe for you to make or sell your product/process in the country of your interest, without infringing existing third-party rights.

What are the advantages of conducting Freedom-to-operate search before launching a product?

Technology Landscape Analysis

Technology Landscape Analysis

What is Technology landscape analysis?

Technology landscape analysis asses the technical documents such as patents and patent applications in a particular technology area to identify the current and future status of the technology.

Why do Technology landscape analysis?

Technology landscape analysis provides key insights of the market and other important factors such as market position, key players, latest technology trends in particular domain. These information helps an organization to take direction to enter into a new market place.

Why work with IP POST?

IP POST have dedicated Patent search professionals with extensive industrial experience in domains such as Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Information Technology, Mechatronics, Computer science, Life science, Chemical, and Textile engineering. We provide accurate and custom-made search report at a cost-effective price.

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