Innovative Start-Ups in India
India is a rising power, with 65% of its people between the ages of 25
Top VR headsets of 2022
In this article we bring you the top performing VR headsets in market.
Haptic Suit Technology in 2022
Virtual reality games are a new add-on to the gaming industry. Recently Malls are equipped
with virtual reality (VR) gadgets in their gaming centers and a huge queue of people were
waiting to experience virtual reality gaming.
Metaverse A World for Everyone
What is Metaverse?
The concept of metaverse has been among us for a long time. From nightmare-inducing Black Mirror episodes to the news of Facebook actually changing its name to ‘Meta’ in
2021, you might have come across the name every so often. It took the internet by storm, everywhere people were talking about it. But what is it? There is always that one